CMS Certified Developer 9 LTS
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A TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer has to have experience collected through projects, should know the architecture, design patterns, best practices, and a fair share of internals both TYPO3 CMS and the extension framework. TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer can implement an extension completely in a state-of-the-art way. They write clean code by following the TYPO3 Coding Guidelines (CGL), and they are well versed in a wide range of topics, from the initial setup of an extension up to the point of publishing it in the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER).
- Knowledge about Environment Error Logs
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Controller
- View Pattern
- Model
- What is MVC?
- Switchable Controller Actions
- PHP autoloading standards
- Extending site configurations
- Route Enhancers
- Request processing with middlewares
- Implementing MVC in TYPO3
- Debugging in PHP
- Extending Base Models
- Importing ViewHelpers
- ViewHelpers
- Outputting Variables
- Extbase Fluid View
- Using the Fluid View
- What is Fluid?
- What is a Templating Engine?
- Extbase View
- PSR-15: Middlewares
- The System Registry API
- Flash Messages
- Extension scanner
- Extbase Annotations
- Commands
- AbstractPlugin
- Composer for TYPO3 Extensions
- The USER/USER_INT TypoScript objects
- Docblocks in PHP
- Creating Scheduler Tasks and Commands
- Registering plugins and modules
- Mail API
- Error handling/Exception handling
- Environment class
- Implementing upgrade wizards
- MetaTag API
- PageTitle API
- Contexts & Aspects
- AJAX handling in the TYPO3 Backend
- JavaScript handling in the Backend
- Using the PageRenderer in Extensions
- Writing and using own Symfony Expressions
- DataHandler (TCE= TYPO3 Core Engine)
- The Caching Framework
- File abstraction layer (FAL)
- ViewHelper: Link, Uri
- ViewHelper: Comment
- ViewHelper: If/Else
- ViewHelper: For-Loop
- Templates, Layouts, Partials
- User Input in Views
- Localizing Extensions
- XLIFF / locallang.xlf
- Using Query Restrictions
- Using the QueryBuilder
- ViewHelper: Form
- ViewHelper: Format
- PSR-7: Request/Response
- Implementing Custom Validators
- Error Actions
- Validation in Extbase
- Extbase JSON View
- ViewHelper: Debug
- ViewHelper: Image
- Extbase Persistence
- ViewHelper: Widgets
- Doctrine DBAL
- User Input in DB Queries
- Table Configuration Array (TCA)
- Database Schema Definition
- What is SQL?
- Database Management System (DBMS)
- Logging API
- Accessing FlexForm Data
- Extension File and Folder Structure
- TYPO3 Debugging Utilities
- Coding Standards in TYPO3
- PSR Standards
- Flexform Concepts
- Flexform Configuration Data Structure
- User Input in PHP Code
- ViewHelper: Render
- Handling User Input
- Web Vulnerability Types
- Implementing ViewHelpers
- Extbase PersistenceManager
- Extbase Request/Response
- Customizing Extbase Repositories
- Standard Extbase Repository
- PSR-3: Logger Interface standard
- Tracing Errors in Logs

Andreas Wolf