< WOD: Cindy


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A pull-up is a strength-training exercise that targets the upper body, particularly the back, shoulders, and arms. It involves gripping an overhead bar with palms facing away from the body (overhand grip) and pulling the body upward until the chin clears the bar. The movement starts with the arms fully extended and the body hanging straight, using the strength of the latissimus dorsi (lats), biceps, and core to pull the body upward. Once the chin reaches or passes the bar, the body is lowered back down with control to the starting position, completing one repetition. Pull-ups require significant upper body strength and are a foundational exercise for building muscle and improving overall body stability.


I can lift my body with proper form
I engage my back, shoulders, and core, pulling myself up smoothly until my chin is above the bar.

I can control my descent
I lower myself slowly and with control, maintaining good posture and muscle engagement throughout the movement.

I can keep my body stable
I avoid swinging or using momentum, keeping my body steady throughout the pull-up.

I can build endurance for multiple reps
I gradually increase the number of pull-ups I can do without sacrificing form or control.

I can prevent injury
I warm up, stretch, and use proper technique to protect my muscles and joints during the exercise.

I can maintain a consistent grip
I hold the bar firmly and evenly, ensuring my grip is strong enough to complete each rep confidently.