< WOD: Murph


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Running is a physical activity that involves moving at a faster pace than walking by propelling the body forward through a series of quick, coordinated steps. It engages the legs, core, and arms to generate speed and maintain balance. During running, one foot is always off the ground, creating a rhythmic cycle of foot strikes, usually on the balls or heels of the feet, and airborne phases. The body leans slightly forward, with arms bent at the elbows, moving naturally in coordination with the legs to enhance momentum. Running can vary in intensity, from slow, steady jogging to faster, more intense sprints, and can be done for fitness, recreation, or competition.


I can maintain proper running form
I keep my posture upright, engage my core, and swing my arms naturally in sync with my stride.

I can control my breathing
I breathe rhythmically, taking deep breaths to maximize oxygen intake and maintain my endurance.

I can run with steady pacing
I regulate my speed to conserve energy, ensuring I can sustain my run over longer distances.

I can boost my speed
I train to increase my sprinting ability, running faster while staying in control.

I can stay injury-free
I listen to my body, warm up, cool down, and stretch to prevent strains or injuries.

I can recover efficiently
I manage my post-run recovery by hydrating, stretching, and resting properly to keep my body strong and ready for the next run.