< CMS Certified Consultant 12 LTS

Apache Solr and EXT:solr


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Understand the capabilities of Apache Solr and the Solr TYPO3 extension to enhance search functionality in TYPO3 websites.


  • I understand the core concepts and requirements of Apache Solr and the features provided by the Solr Extension for TYPO3.
  • I understand that Apache Solr is based on the Lucene search library, which provides powerful indexing and searching capabilities.
  • I know that an Apache Solr server is required to use the Solr TYPO3 extension.
  • I can explain the key features and functionalities the Solr Extension offers, such as faceted search, filtering, and highlighting.
  • I can assess the suitability of Apache Solr and the Solr TYPO3 extension for specific project requirements and make informed decisions regarding their implementation.


Korbinian Kugelmann queo München AG