Book/eBook | TCCD Study Guide - Chapter 06
Michael Schams
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The TYPO3 CMS Certified Developer exam contains a range of questions about TYPO3 extension development. The chapter "Building TYPO3 Extensions" of the TCCD study guide contains example questions to test a candidate's knowledge of Extbase, hooks, events, XCLASSes, middlewares, TYPO3's logging framework, error handling, FlexForms, and the TYPO3 DataHandler.
- AJAX handling in the TYPO3 Backend
- Composer for TYPO3 Extensions
- Creating Scheduler Tasks and Commands
- Database Schema Definition
- Extension File and Folder Structure
- Extension Integration (8 LTS)
- Implementing upgrade wizards
- JavaScript handling in the Backend
- Making Extensions localizable
- PHP autoloading standards
- Table Configuration Array (TCA)
- What is SQL?
- Controller
- Customizing Extbase Repositories
- Error Actions
- Extbase Annotations
- Extbase Persistence
- Extbase PersistenceManager
- Extbase Request/Response
- Extbase View
- EXTBASEPLUGIN TypoScript Object
- Extending Base Models
- Implementing Custom Validators
- Implementing MVC in TYPO3
- Implementing ViewHelpers
- Registering Backend Modules
- Registering Frontend Plugins
- Standard Extbase Repository
- Validation in Extbase
- Accessing FlexForm Data
- Flexform Concepts
- Flexform Configuration Data Structure
- PSR-15: Middlewares
- Request processing with middlewares
- DataHandler (TCE= TYPO3 Core Engine)
- Debugging in PHP
- Debugging PSR-14 Event Handling
- TYPO3 Debugging Utilities
- Error handling/Exception handling
- Knowledge about Environment Error Logs
- Tracing Errors in Logs
- Using existing PSR-14 events
- Providing own events