WOD: Murph

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Murph is a renowned workout often performed as a tribute to Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who lost his life in Afghanistan. This challenging workout is designed to test strength, endurance, and mental toughness.

Murph consists of the following components:

1-Mile Run
The workout begins with a one-mile run to warm up the body and prepare for the upcoming physical challenges.

100 Pull-Ups
After the run, participants complete 100 pull-ups, which can be scaled or modified to suit individual fitness levels. This exercise targets the upper body and core.

200 Push-Ups
Following the pull-ups, athletes perform 200 push-ups, focusing on proper form to engage the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

300 Air Squats
Next, participants do 300 air squats, building leg strength and endurance while also engaging the core.

1-Mile Run
Finally, the workout concludes with another one-mile run, testing endurance and completing the full circuit.

Additional Notes: Weight Vest
Many participants choose to wear a weighted vest (20 pounds for men and 14 pounds for women) during the workout to increase the intensity and honor Murphy's legacy
