A breakfast table set with cereal with yoghurt and fruit.


SkillDisplay explained with a real world use-case

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Talk about your scenario with us

  • SkillDisplay Quickstart Guide The SkillDisplay Quickstart Guide is a learning scenario following the use-case of creating a training program for a restaurant.

Part 1: The Sunrise Breakfast Hut

The quickstart covers the most fundamental SkillDisplay features with the help of an (imaginary) real world use case: a mentorship program for the sunrise breakfast hut.

Part 2: Skills and Domains

How to define skills and group them into domains.

Part 3: SkillTree

Introducing dependencies between skills and how introducing them forms a SkillTree.

Part 4: SkillSets

Cherry-picking skills for matching the own use case and the benefits of having a skill represented in multiple SkillSets.

Part 5: Verification

Helping mentees to track their progress over the course of the program and gain acknowledgement from their mentors.

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