SkillDisplay Certified Technician
Requires SDCP
The SkillDisplay Certified Technician (SDCT) can use all frontend functionalities of the platform and is able to manage users and organisations. He/She has a basic understanding of underlying SkillTree manipulation and its effects, can group skills into SkillSets and prepare them for the release to end users. In addition the SkillDisplay Certified Technician can use the platform provided reporting tools for gathering and summarizing verification/certification data.
This workshop is for technicians aiming to administrate SkillDisplay for their company. We recommend users to work on their own organization account but can provide a test account for the course of the training if needed.
SkillDisplay Seminars take place each 2nd Friday of the month.
After purchasing a ticket you'll receive an e-mail with details on how to join the event along with relevant info material for your booking.